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Early application is very important. As soon as symptoms present, begin the protocol. Generally three to five days is sufficient.

* Vitamin D 3 – 50,000iu   -- per day for 3 days

(5,000-10,000 prophylactic) 


*  Zinc   / 200-240mg/ day - 5 days  

(15-30 mg prophylactic)

*  Quercitin   4-5 Grams (4-5,000mg) (as ionifore) 5 days

(500mg/ day prophylactic)


Why not pursue healthy resilience and avoid the need for a curative protocol altogether? Vitamin D blood levels are one important key. Sunbathing and supplements can provide the needed boost. Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Blood levels below 30 nmol/L reveals deficiency. Ideally 80 ng/ml. Studies reveal that when blood D levels are in the 80 ng/ml hospitalization and death is quite rare. The immune regulating qualities of serum vitamin D, seem to mitigate the exaggerated and dangerous immune responses.


Important to note: Latinos and Blacks often have lower serum D levels. Now compare Covid-19 data find per CDC that Latino and Black Covd-19 hospitalization is 3X and death is 4x that of whites in the US. A prophylactic D protocol offers to change that.

"This tool does not provide medical advice It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on this Site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911."

We are deeply grateful to all the researchers, doctors, scientists and professionals who have sought to understand the mechanics of this viral disease and have openly shared their findings with the world. Sadly, a hopeless narrative has been too prevalent, we choose to point to the simple truths that afford agency, self sovereignty, and hope for all of us.


Zinc, Quercitin and Vitamin D. This protocol offers protection and curative qualities when taken early. The more nuanced message is that many other supplements, medicines and nutrients are also helpful in our pursuit of wellness and health in these days of viral concern. They range from Vitamin C to Ivermectin. When full body of scientific literature actually read, even the once maligned hydroxycloroquin, if taken at the correct dosing is proven effective. and is being used as a standard of care in most non US/ non European countries.


covid patients have reported reversal of glass lung syndromes with the use of the supplement nattokinese. Made from soybeans and known for cardiovascual benefits: Take Nattokinese - 100-500mg (for glass lung and those at risk of blood clotting)

ER Doctors and other MDs have reported remarkable relief in acute respiratory cases using the corticosteroid Budesonide.

The latest studies that may offer the most encouraging findings of all is Ivermectin. An anti parasitic well tested and used for 60 years, is proving a triple effective result in dramactically reducing death and hospitalization from Covid-19 and has even shown to be a potent prophylactic.



Ivermectic protocol: 12mg QD, once per day - for five days. (heavier people will want a stronger dose. (2mg/ 10 kg body weight)

Note: many MDs have reported success using Vitamin C in high doses as an anti-inflamitory:  dosing of Vitamin C have been used in ranges from 2-4 grams  QID.  (4x/day)

CDP CHOLINE  an antioxidant often associated with improved brain health is also reduces PLA2 making it helpful with immune regulation and Covid. (Several studies show that some very serious viral infections, including Coronavirus, Parvovirus, Cytomegalovirus, and West Nile Virus all require the PLA2-activated cascade to do the most cell damage, so reducing your PLA2 levels may truly help fight these viruses and minimize the impact they have on your health.) 

dose is – 500mg QID (4x/day)

Beyond regular supplementation with Vitamin D, Zinc, Quercitin, C and B, numerous studies have brought to light a variety factors that we now know increase / decrease the risk of serious infection. These simple changes in practice can significantly change our risk:

1. Flu Shots -- numerous studies show increased risk  of serious covid19 cases and respiratory disease in general.


2. Diet with a lower glycemic index. Not only is higher sugar intake associated with increased Covid-19 risk, but with lower  glycemic index intake, overall health and resiliency is increase and risk of metabolic syndrome which leads to diabetes etc is decreased.


3. Sufficient sleep, Exercise, reduced stress. How often do we see a direct connection sleep deprivation and stress and colds and general infection?  Give the body the tools it needs and it will serve us well!


4. Melatonin - some evidence of  improved outcomes.


5. NAC -- N-Acetyl L-Cysteine  as an antioxidant has proven helpful. 1200 mg BID  (2x/day)

6. NAD - nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide  -NAD+ is made up of two nucleotides, the building blocks for nucleic acids, which form DNA. It is both building block and regulator of cellular and bodily metabolism. 

Ivermectin Mexico outcomes
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